Multispecies Justice for Land, Living Waters, and Indigenous Peoples Wellbeing

Sharing a film of what is happening in our Lucky Country with a fair go for a few?
Multispecies Justice for Land, Living Waters and Our Wellbeing 
Warloongarriy is the law for the Martuwarra Fitzroy River. From the top of the catchment to the bottom, it is a song and a map. It is place-based governance.
This is the First Law, law of the land, and refers to living a relationship of integrity and ethics with the nature that surrounds us.
It sings all the nations along the River into coexistence and respect in trade, travel and customs.
It is the law to sustain the wellbeing of everything around us and is therefore sacred.
Senior Elder Paddy Roe explains European people can't understand our Law, because they've got a different law. Ours is from Bookarrarra.
We try to explain these things to them and they don't know what we're talking about. Because that's from Bookarrarra. It's from Bookarrarra.
But its different law, different law from White man law. Different. Different altogether.

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Multispecies Justice for Land, Living Waters, and Indigenous Peoples Wellbeing